Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Yellow Cucumber (Dosakaya) Curry

Serving -  4
Cooking time - Approx 20 mins

Ingredients :-

Chopped Yelow Cucumber (Dosakaya) - 1/2 kg
Chopped Onion - 1
Chopped Chillys - 4
Salt - 1 tbspn (to taste)
Curry leaves - 2 stems

For Seasoning ( Talimpu ) :-

Oil - 1 tbspn
Turmeric - 1/2 tbspn
Jeera - 1/2 tbspn
Minapappu (urad dal) - 1/2 tbspn
Mustard seeds (aavalu) - 1/2 tbspn
Chana dal (pachi sanaga pappu) - 1 tbspn
Dried Chilly - 2

Procedure :-




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